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movie review

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

It is difficult for most people to answer what their favorite movie is at the drop of a hat. Not for Cameran. Since April 17th of 2015, Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 has been considered cinematic gold for this CU student. He claims to be able to quote the whole flick, and has seen it […]

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Boulder Insider Weekly Events – October 12-16

Hello and welcome to the first writing of the Insider Weekly Events Column! My name is Savannah Kruger and I want to introduce you to the hidden magic of Boulder. My intention for this column is to help you easily and joyously connect with the Boulder Community. Whether you’ve lived in Boulder your entire life […]

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Video Vault: Captain America 2

Given that marvel movies are about guys in costumes fighting crime, it’s incredible how realistic and believable the stories are. But not only that, you have to add in Marvel’s ability to cross pollinate so many different characters stories. And they always balance out the action with a good amount of character-building dialogue. We come […]

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Video Vault: The Double

“You’re in my place,” says a man to Simon James (Jesse Eisenberg) on the train. There are plenty of other places to sit, but the nondescript man wants Simon’s seat. Simon, being the meek man he is, gives up the seat. So opens The Double, based on the novel by Dostoyevsky. It’s a drab, mustard-colored […]

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Movie Review: American Sniper

In Clint Eastwood’s new video game, Call of Duty: American Sniper, Bradley Cooper affects a convincing Texas accent to portray Chris Kyle, the deadliest sniper in US military history. The film follows Kyle through four tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, one marriage and two kids. Cooper’s been receiving a ton of praise for his performance, […]

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Video Vault: Ender’s Game Missed The Point

As a Movie, Ender’s Game Missed The Point This last weekend, the wife and I watched the movie adaptation of the beloved book by Orson Scott Card, the author who seems to have developed a habit of espousing some not-so-popular opinions over the last few years. As a pure movie (ignoring the existence of the book), […]

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Review: The Imitation Game

Maths! Benedict Cumberbatch finally gets his chance to star in a prestige biopic, in the 2014 update of A Beautiful Mind a totally new movie based on the life and times of Alan Turing, the British mathematician who helped end the war and invent the machines that became computers.

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Movie Review: Wild

It’s rare to say that a movie is better than a book. And usually, if you do, the literati will leave a nasty note on your door. But Wild the book–the memoir by Cheryl Strayed–was a story filled with more sulking than hiking. I gave up halfway through. I didn’t find the protagonist likable or […]

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Review: The Hobbit – Five Armies Battling in 3D

Just as J.R.R.R. Tolkien intended, the third film based on his 250-page children’s book just came out in theaters, drawing the prequel to the Lord of the Rings to a close. Recently, I railed against Hunger Games for this same tactic of stretching a single book across multiple movies. In that movie, it didn’t work. […]

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Review: Exodus Gods and Kings: Fire and Brimstone

Even though these movies came out before I was born, I have fond memories of watching biblical epics like Ben-Hur and The Ten Commandments as a little kid. Charlton Heston and his big white beard daring Ramses to pry the staff of God from his cold, dead hands. Such spectacle! Such plagues! Since Noah last […]

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