  Monday - February 17th, 2025

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Elevated Hiking

The Rocky Mountains are one of the things I love most about Colorado! Hiking the breath taking landscapes with endless trails filled with wildlife and breathing the fresh mountain air is an amazing way to connect with nature and refresh yourself! There’s something about being in nature and consuming Cannabis that really elevates the experience. One of my favorite things to do is consume Cannabis and hit the trail! Hiking is also an amazing way to be active. It’s an excellent activity to improve health and fitness by increasing muscle strength, endurance, raising your heart rate, and relieving stress. The mental escape, while focusing on the oftentimes challenging path on route to the destination, allows a chance to let everything go when your tiny problems are compared to a massive mountain. Hiking is a physical, mental, and spiritual challenge that allows me to learn more about myself and grow into a better person. Whether you’re a fan of elevated hiking already or are CannaCurious about heightening your adventures, make sure you keep a few things in mind as you go along your journey.

If you’re new to the experience, be aware of your tolerance levels. Start with small amounts, especially if you’re navigating challenging terrain. The point is to enhance the experience, but going overboard could make you feel inactive or tired. Hiking offers a surreal sense of accomplishment and an adrenaline rush all on its own that increases your dopamine and serotonin levels naturally. Adding marijuana allows me to feel more connected with the planet and like I’m on top of the world!

If you’re a local or just visiting the mountains, make sure you’re prepared for the adventure! Hiking in Colorado is an exhilarating experience, even in the winter with a pair of snowshoes! A few fantastic resources I like to use when planning a hike are AllTrails, ColoradoTrail and Trails. These resources offer detailed descriptions of parks, trail conditions and specifics, while allowing visitors to upload photos, reviews, and recordings of their recent hikes. I like to check it out beforehand because trails can sometimes be closed due to seasons, trail construction, or wildlife closures like elk calving seasons. Also, always make sure to bring a lot of water, especially if you’re not used to the altitude. Humidity is significantly lower at higher altitudes and the lower oxygen levels allow you to lose more water through breathing. In addition, altitude sickness can affect those not used to it, so be aware of the symptoms, in tune with your body, and get to lower ground if needed.

Even if you’re in a legal state, you can be cited for Cannabis use in public or on federal or state owned land, including parks. People have cigarettes and despite consumption laws, still consume alcohol on the slopes, so of course there are those who will enjoy a celebratory joint for reaching a mountain peak, or topical to aid in inflammation from a long hike! Keep the laws in mind and always be respectful and discreet while consuming. The awesome thing about living in a legal state are the various methods of consumption, and some are very discreet. One of my favorite ways to consume on the trail, and stay hydrated at the same time, is by infusing my water with Ripple or Zootdrops. If you decide to enjoy marijuana flower, and spark up on the trail, make sure to be mindful about fire dangers and consider taking a vaporizer into the wilderness to avoid accidental fires. The trails in Colorado are very popular, and can be heavily trafficked at times, so observe your surroundings and make sure to leave no trace with any snack wrappers or pre-roll filters.

Getting outside in nature helps provide vitamin D, which is necessary for health and strengthens the immune system. It also increases physical and mental wellness. Hiking while elevated helps me focus on the journey and be more observant to appreciate mother nature on a more intense level. Cannabis is also an excellent pain killer and muscle relaxant, and aids in inflammation throughout the entire body. It is also great for a hike, because it is a bronchodilator, which helps asthma patients, and helps me absorb more oxygen when hiking. In addition, there are really tasty hemp snacks, like the cherry walnut hemp bar by evo hemp.I like to take these whenever I head out the door! If you’re looking for an extended stay, keep your eye open for cannabis friendly lodging and campgrounds, as they become more mainstream across the world! Whichever part of Earth you decide to explore, I’m sure it will leave you feeling refreshed, and I’m sure you will enjoy your next elevated hiking experience!

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