  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Adventurous Opportunities for Young People This Summer

Two words: TRAIL CREW. Or you could call it youth corps, trail corps, sustainability corps, etc. Whatever you call it, it is awesome and life changing. If you are a young person who has a summer break between college years or you’re simply between the ages of 18-25 and love the outdoors in some aspect […]

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Faces of Boulder-Pic of the Day!

“I felt like I should educate people about my country, culture and also help my community,” says Tenzin T. Passang. Passang was born in India and immigrated to the United States in 1992. His parents, grandparents and thousands of Tibetans fled in 1959, with The Dalai Lama, to seek refuge from the Chinese illegal occupation […]

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Bitsbox: The Start-Up That Teaches Kids To Code

They say the best and most effective time to learn a language is when you are a child and your brain is still developing. With society continuing to value bilingual or multilingual people in academia and the workforce, the pressure to teach kids new languages is building as well. One language in particular is growing […]

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Weekly Arts and Entertainment Update

Hello beautiful Boulderites! With Easter well on its way, Boulder has a lot to offer us this weekend. So before getting together with family for Sunday brunch and hunting Easter eggs, get out in town and enjoy Boulder Arts Week and of course some live music! Boulder Arts Week is coming to a close this […]

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Love Thy Neighbor, Don’t Fight Him On GMOs

Boulder is a famously health-conscious place—it’s consistently ranked as one of the fittest cities in America, and the abundance of beautiful trails and natural foods stores certainly makes it easy to be healthy and active. Unfortunately where interest lies, misinformation usually follows, and that’s the case with GMOs. Around here, you’ve probably seen labels on […]

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Sri Lanka in Twenty-Five Photos

Everyone is starting to catch on to the little secret that has been remained fairly hidden in the Indian Ocean for quite some time; Sri Lanka.  In fact, the New York Times just posted an article about Sri Lanka’s tea country on their front page!  Luckily for me I was able to travel to Sri Lanka […]

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Whatthehellasana, or How I Learned to Love Yoga

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…when I first started yoga back in 2000, I hated it. I mean, I really despised it. What the f*#k is a Sun Salutation, and why the f*#k do I have to do so many of them? And why does that guy next to me sound […]

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Strength, Love, Success and Attraction

I am constantly spending my time reading and re-reading books that have resonated with me. It is always fascinating how your current circumstances will open your eyes to new messages. It seems as though you will always find the right message at the right time – if you are open to receiving it. I came […]

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Sanitas Brewing Co Boulder

Much Ado About A Patio: Sanitas Brewing Co.

I am a sucker for springtime in Colorado. Aside from the random and inevitable snow that will blanket the Flatirons every once in awhile, springtime in Boulder is simply majestic. People will emerge from their Netflix and delivery pizza hibernation, flip on a pair of Ray-Bans, don a stylized tank top, and will then explore […]

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It Follows Offers Intriguing But Uneven Horror

A girl sprints out of the front door of her nondescript suburban house. The sun is setting. The girl is scantily clad and out of her mind with panic. She dashes into the middle of the street, stops, not sure what do do next. The girl’s father comes outside and asks her if everything is […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

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