Hemp has been catapulted into the minds of the curious toker partly due to the fact that weed, in general, has moved from taboo and counterculture to something that is available in lots of states nationwide and into something almost blase in nature! Nevertheless, for those less inclined toward a psychoactive adventure, standard cannabis can seem too scary to simply dive into. For those of you reading this who feel that that description matches your situation, never fear because you can sidestep cannabis altogether and opt instead for hemp! While hemp and cannabis are often used interchangeably, they are actually rather different in terms of the compounds they contain.

Although they are species of the same family, hemp typically consists of only 0.3 percent or less THC content by dry weight. In other words, you can still get all of the positive benefits of other beneficial compounds like CBD without worrying about losing yourself to the high that usually accompanies cannabis. However, regardless of your desire, the world of hemp can appear as a maze of contradictory information to the untrained eye. This post is here to clarify things for you and, hopefully, enable you to see things more clearly so that you can indulge in all the good stuff you have undoubtedly heard about hemp!

If You're Interested In Using Hemp This Is How To Start - AboutBoulder.com

Understand What You Want To Get Out Of The Experience

As the inquisitive person you no doubt are, you may be curious about getting involved in the hemp industry. Before taking the plunge and diving into this growing space, it’s essential first to identify your goals. Hemp offers countless possibilities – from personal health benefits to a desire to transition into the more mind-altering options that pure cannabis can provide – so it’s essential to explore the benefits and know which areas of interest are most appealing if you want to maximize your experience. To help narrow down where best to focus your energy, ask yourself: what do I want from this? Are my reasons rooted in promoting wellness or perhaps capitalizing on its eco-friendly properties? Answering these questions can make navigating through the different areas of hemp easier and more effective than ever before!

Add Hemp Protein To Smoothies

Hemp protein is an excellent way for smoothie enthusiasts to get an extra nutritional boost. It contains essential amino acids, plus fiber, omega fats, and vital vitamins – the perfect combination of health and flavor! To make your own hemp-powered smoothie, start with a high-quality organic or non-GMO hemp protein powder. Then add any fruits or veggies you like – try bananas, berries, or spinach for some added nutrition! Pour almond milk, coconut water, or plain H2O into your blender as the base liquid before adding two scoops of that amazing hemp protein powder. Blend until creamy, and enjoy the subtle nutty kick it gives off! If you’re looking to switch things up, try adding cacao powder for a chocolatey twist or drizzle honey if you want something sweeter. Not keen on consistency? Don’t worry – more liquid will thin out while ice cubes can thicken it up just right so you can sip away without feeling guilty about indulging in something healthy yet delicious at the same time.

If You're Interested In Using Hemp This Is How To Start - AboutBoulder

Consider The Different Strains That Are Available

Just as with cannabis, hemp offers you the chance to put your experimental hat on and really go to town regarding your desired effects. As already mentioned, you won’t get high on hemp, but make no mistake, different strains contain differing levels of the stuff that your body appreciates. Although most hemp is derived purely from the Sativa strain of the plant, you can still benefit from the myriad of terpenes that make up the flower. Terpenes are the little organic compounds responsible for giving cannabis its unique flavors and aromas. But did you know that they also play a major role when it comes to CBD? Terpenes act as catalysts for the “entourage effect,” which is essentially what happens when multiple elements from the plant combine together to create an even more powerful result than any one element could on its own.

Think of them like an orchestra instead of a solo performance – each component amplifying and complementing the others! So next time you enjoy some CBD, take note: there’s more happening here than meets the eye!

Consider How You Wish To Consume It

Similar to how the cannabis industry and its environment operate, hemp allows multiple ways to consume the flower and reap the rewards. CBD oil is a top pick for hemp consumption. It’s basically a liquid extract you drop under your tongue before swallowing it down. Your body absorbs it super fast and starts working its magic – easing stress, dulling pain, and helping you catch those elusive 7 hours of quality sleep! If oils aren’t your thing, though, there are also hemp-infused edibles – think gummies or brownies packed with the good stuff. They’re easy to take on the go and have the added advantage of being incredibly discreet. Plus, they come in all sorts of flavors, so finding one that hits the spot shouldn’t be an issue.

Hemp is an attractive plant with all the advantages of regular weed but sans the mind-bending side effects that some folks find undesirable. Although getting started can seem challenging to most; hopefully, the ideas in this post will give you a better understanding of what to expect and enable you to dive in with your eyes wide open.

Director of Media Relations at AboutBoulder.com john@aboutboulder.com