Wednesday - May 1, 2024

Articles Written By JulieDale


Monday Motivation – How to get motivated when you feel beat up?

March 9th, 2020

Those of you who know me, know that I am a sports nut.  Having been an elite athlete myself, I appreciate all aspects of competition from the physical exertion to the mental component to the coaching tactics.  I have never competed in a football or a soccer game, but I still get very emotionally involved as a spectator.  Over the past three days, my favorite two football teams lost (CU Buffs and Broncos) and one of my favorite soccer teams lost (CU Women’s soccer) and one of my favorite soccer teams won!  (Grace College Women’s Team) As a participant and a fan, we ride the ups and downs... Read More

Monday Motivation: Trick or Treat Motivation

October 29th, 2018

Hi Everyone, Happy Monday!  This coming Wednesday is one of the best opportunities of the year to witness some of the highest levels of motivation and determination. The goal?  CANDY! I am a firm believer that there is so much we can learn from children and by adopting a childlike mindset.   For this week’s motivation I am going to borrow lessons that we can all learn from kids as it applies to the adventure of trick or treating. I cannot help but think of the sheer determination millions of children across the US put into action on Halloween.   I don’t know about you, but I certainly... Read More

Monday Motivation: All Aboard! What is your “Mayflower”?

February 17th, 2018

It’s Thanksgiving week and as I sat down to write my Monday Motivation blog I could not help but think about how motivated the Pilgrims must have been in 1620 when they boarded the Mayflower.  They were seeking religious freedom and a new life in a new and unknown world.   Did they know what they were signing up for?  Did they know they might not make it there alive, or even survive once they arrived?  Yet their desire for freedom was greater than any challenge that they would face on this foreign journey. Some of them gave up before they even got going.  Originally, they were going to... Read More