Tuesday - May 7, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ luke evans ’


Addiction Nation

April 19th, 2021

Crisis is streaming on Prime Years ago, I was driving to the low-pay, high-stress job I held at the time. I turned my head to check my blind spot and, being an imbecile, I somehow screwed up my back.* The pain was quite serious, so much so that I got to work, then reconsidered and went to an ER. After the ER doctor helpfully concluded that I tweaked my back, he gave me a prescription for Codeine and sent me home. I remember how it felt once the Codeine took effect. I felt like I was literally melting into my chair, and I was so relaxed that the Manson Family could have burst through the door and... Read More

An Unconventional Life

October 15th, 2017

  My dear friend Devila and I recently saw the new film Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. As the credits rolled, she joked that a Snopes meter should be prominently displayed on the screen, providing the audience with a running measurement of cinematic accuracy. While I would gladly donate money for the creation of a gadget like that, her comment got me thinking. How much responsibility do filmmakers have to hard, cold reality when they’re making a biopic? In the end, how much does hewing to the truth really matter? Consider a film like Braveheart. It’s a sprawling historical... Read More

Stockholm Syndrome is So Romantic

March 19th, 2017

I hope you’re all sitting comfortably because I’m about to lay some righteous science on you. Ready? Disney loves money. They like art and respect the occasional creation of a timeless classic, but more than anything, the House of Mouse loves the Benjamins. Even back in the day, they knew the massive value of their IP’s. That’s why every few years, you might see a theatrical re-release of Pinocchio. After home video and DVD blew up, Disney branched out. They sunk millions into lavish Broadway productions, thousands into terrible direct-to-video sequels, TV series,... Read More