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Posts Tagged With ‘ student life ’


A Missouri Girl in a Colorado Snowstorm

February 6th, 2019

I feel that I should preface this by saying that once, while in high school, our superintendent canceled school for approximately a month because of some light ice and a few flurries of snow. When I say a month, I mean a month. We were off for so long that we had maxed-out our makeup days for the summer; this is a sharp contrast from the ice storm which left my entire town without power for approximately two weeks. That 2007 ice storm was so severe that a significant portion of our trees’ branches snapped from the weight of the ice after they were frozen over. It was a devastating experience... Read More

John Carpenter and the Beauty of Horror at CU Boulder

January 30th, 2019
group of people staring at monitor inside room

One of my favorite aspects of CU Boulder is IFS; the International Film Series which takes place each year with a fresh round of movies to be viewed on a professionally sized screening theatre. There is indeed something to be said for watching movies on ‘the big-screen’ as opposed to viewing them privately on individually sized devices such as a phone or computer. The collective experience of seeing a film can prove far more important than one would ever imagine. As a personal example, I imagine that, throughout my lifetime, I have viewed the film ‘Psycho’ by Alfred Hitchcock... Read More

The International Film Series at CU Boulder

October 24th, 2018
tickets in shallow focus photography

CU Boulder is always filled to the brim with things to do and see. I may have my own criticisms about the university, but I can honestly say that there is a plethora of activities to participate in. One of my favorite programs at CU Boulder is IFS, or the International Film Series. However, it also seems to be a hidden gem within the college. As someone who has attended CU Boulder’s IFS multiple times, each time I go, there always seem to be far fewer people than I would have anticipated. And yes, I am fully aware that the types of films offered at IFS are not for everyone, but I would love... Read More

Be Involved

September 5th, 2018
Be Involved

Coming back to school from a summer off can be profoundly souring, it may feel as though a student will be taking tests and writing essays for the rest of their life. One of the most significant mistakes I’ve found that a student can make is to overly involve themselves in grades and academia while neglecting the other aspects of college life. Now, for my sake, please do not mistake this as me telling you not to try and do well in classes. However, just like everything in life, there must be a balance. There are many ways to create this balance, but a personal favorite of mine is the social... Read More

The Injustice of Boulder Student Apartments

August 29th, 2018
off campus living

Apartment living in Boulder is ridiculously expensive, deterring many from moving to the area. For a student taking classes and likely working a minimum wage job to earn a little extra cash, Boulder housing can be almost impossible to afford. This is why I am blown away by the fact that much of the student off-campus apartment options in Boulder are some of the most upsetting rip-offs imaginable. When I transferred to Boulder from a college in Missouri, it was relatively late in the summer, and housing choices were limited. However, much to my delight, I managed to secure a room at one of the most... Read More

To Move or Not to Move; Debating a Student’s Dilemma

August 22nd, 2018
College life_Pros and Cons to moving out

Where to live can be one of the most challenging aspects of student life to figure out; this goes double for living in Boulder, where the housing costs are outrageously high. If a student has the option of living at home with family or moving out and renting a place of their own, it can seem almost impossible to decide which course of action to take. There are benefits and disadvantages to both sides of the issue, and a student should genuinely consider what they want before making this choice. One of the best ways I’ve found of making a decision of this significance is to lay out the options... Read More

Between Ballet and Reality TV: Finding a Middle Ground

August 8th, 2018
College Life: cringe-culture vs culture vs. hobbies

One of the stereotypes about college students is their lack of interest, or lack of understanding of what the older generation consider to be culture. Students as a whole have garnered the reputation for sitting at home on their phone instead of going to art galleries or seeing the ballet. As a young person growing up in a dull town in Missouri, I was desperate to be set apart from this cliché. I worked to purposely dislike anything popular, anything that my teachers would have looked down on. If my classmates enjoyed it, I made sure I scoffed and got back to reading Pride and Prejudice. Now,... Read More

Words for an Incoming Freshman

August 7th, 2016
college football

Attending the University of Colorado, Boulder is definitely one of the best decisions you could have made, so congratulations on passing your first test. Your choice is wise and sound. This is where you will spend your next four years … or five or six give or take a couple summer courses. The thing about college is that adults really love to ask you questions and give you vague, over-reaching advice about these next couple years. Truth is, of course it will be the best four years of your life. You are – for the first time – only accountable for yourself. There is no one there to tell you... Read More