Saturday - April 27, 2024


Heidi Cuppari

Meet Heidi Cuppari, a pioneering change-maker disrupting the spheres of sustainable finance, impact investing, youth empowerment and entrepreneurship, and women’s leadership. She orchestrates purposeful corporate growth that serves society, crossing boundaries from business and nonprofits to political campaigns. Fanning the flame of future innovators and unleashing their genius, Heidi's freshly launched mentoring program, 'Teens and Parents on Track", is a beacon of inspiration for those eager to find guidance, support, and help their young people flourish.

Every venture Heidi spearheads is aimed at redefining traditional financial approaches and fostering meaningful relationships that magnify global impact. She is the linchpin behind ventures like Island17 and Dream Tank, revolutionizing our shared world by harnessing the untapped potential of GenZ, Millennials, and women investors. Through strategic collaborations and a shared vision for societal transformation, she cultivates an army of social entrepreneurs of all ages to reach the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Heidi is a key figure in the tech and art realms, who, through her initiatives, demonstrates how blockchain and cryptocurrency can drive social impact. She is an expert at purpose-driven investment, art curation, and collection, orchestrating a network of meticulously selected finance professionals, ventures, and families. Alongside her children, Heidi has breathed life into a family legacy Art Gallery, Cuppari Mondo Bello Piazza d’Arte, showcasing her father Pasquale Cuppari's work and utilizing virtual worlds and NFTs to elevate art's potential to shape societal consciousness.

Her new land venture, Playa Puertecito, is an ambitious initiative bringing together Jedi leaders from diverse sectors to build a sustainable community in Playa Puertecito, a picturesque location on the Sea of Cortez. This Collaborative seeks to inspire innovation, particularly among the youth, and includes remarkable partners like the PeaceJam Foundation and Dream Tank, pushing towards the collective ambition of creating a regenerative eco-village and off-grid retreat center conceived by the young and the experienced alike.

With every step she takes, whether in her professional pursuits, her volunteer work, or her role as a mother, Heidi embodies her mission: to align global social impact with collaborative action. Don't just watch from the sidelines; join her in this journey towards creating a healed planet and a peaceful world. Book your Free Discovery session today and start playing your part in this grand vision.

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