Eldorado Canyon State Park, located just a short drive from Boulder, Colorado, is a hidden gem of natural beauty. The park boasts stunning rock formations, challenging hiking trails, and a beautiful stream that runs through the heart of the canyon.

One of the most striking features of Eldorado Canyon State Park is the South Boulder Creek, a clear and cold mountain stream that meanders through the canyon. The creek is home to a variety of fish, including rainbow and brown trout, making it a popular destination for anglers. Visitors can wade in the stream, swim in its cool waters, or simply enjoy the serene sound of the water flowing over rocks and boulders.

In addition to the creek, Eldorado Canyon State Park is also home to some of the best rock climbing in the country. The towering sandstone cliffs provide challenging routes for climbers of all skill levels. For those who prefer to stay on the ground, the park offers numerous hiking trails that wind through the canyon and up into the surrounding hills.

One of the park’s most popular hikes is the Rattlesnake Gulch Trail, which leads hikers up a steep incline to the site of the historic Crags Hotel. The hotel, which was built in 1908, offered visitors a luxurious retreat in the heart of the canyon. Although the hotel was destroyed by fire in 1913, visitors can still explore the ruins and take in the stunning views from the top of the hill.

Another popular attraction in Eldorado Canyon State Park is the nearby town of Eldorado Springs. The town, which was founded in 1905, is home to the Eldorado Artesian Springs, a natural spring that produces some of the purest water in the world. Visitors can take a tour of the spring and sample its refreshing water.

Overall, Eldorado Canyon State Park is a must-see destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to hike, climb, fish, or simply relax by the stream, the park offers something for everyone. So pack your hiking boots, grab your fishing gear, and head out to explore this beautiful and unique Colorado gem.