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Posts Tagged With ‘ Boulder ghost ’


Boulder’s Ghostly Past: Uncovering the City’s Most Haunted Locations

December 29th, 2023

Boulder, Colorado: A Ghostly Haven Nestled at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Boulder, Colorado, is renowned not just for its scenic beauty and outdoor recreation but also for its spine-tingling reputation as one of the most haunted places in America. This picturesque city, with its rich history dating back to the mid-19th century, harbors a myriad of ghostly tales and supernatural encounters that make it a magnet for paranormal enthusiasts. The Haunting Legacy of Hotel Boulderado One of Boulder’s most iconic landmarks, the Hotel Boulderado, is a historic gem that’s as famous... Read More

Ghost Hunters Unite at Boulder Theatre: Unmasking the Spectres

October 18th, 2023

The Boulder Theatre is a mysterious place, shrouded in an enigmatic veil of spectral tales. For many years, stories of strange occurrences have circulated around the theatre, from unexplained noises to eerie apparitions. Now, the time has come to uncover the truth behind the mysterious hauntings of this historic landmark. Join us as we uncover the secrets of the Boulder Theatre, and unmask the enigmatic spectres that lurk within its walls. Exploring the Unexplained Phenomena of the Boulder Theatre The Boulder Theatre is a historic building located in Boulder, Colorado, and is said to be haunted... Read More

Boulder’s Most Haunted Location

April 13th, 2023

Boulder, Colorado is a beautiful city, nestled at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. However, amidst the natural beauty, there is a place that is considered to be the most haunted location in Boulder. The location in question is the Hotel Boulderado, which has a rich history of paranormal activity and is believed to be home to several ghosts. The Hotel Boulderado was built in 1908 and has since then been an iconic landmark of the city. The hotel has played host to many famous guests, including presidents and celebrities. However, it is the ghostly presence of some of the hotel’s former... Read More