Sunday - May 12, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ inflammation ’


Reduce Inflammtion & Stay Cool As A Cucumber

September 2nd, 2014

 If you’ve read my blog before, then you already know that studies show 80% of all diseases people in the US are experiencing are inflammatory based.  I’ve also mentioned that inflammation used by the immune system is a good thing, but when it gets out of control, inflammation can potentially cause chronic health problems; including swollen joints, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.  One of the best ways to reduce inflammation is through diet, and cucumbers are at the top of the anti-inflammatory list.   Cucumbers help to “cool” the inflammatory response in the body by inhibiting the... Read More

Balancing & Rebooting Your Hormones

July 3rd, 2014

Balancing & Rebooting Your Metabolism  Metabolic disorders and obesity are directly linked to two powerful hormones known as insulin and leptin.  85 percent of the US population is insulin and leptin resistant.  Insulin is used by the body to escort glucose from the blood into the cells for energy.  Processed food is loaded with sugar which is quickly broken down and released into the blood stream causing a spike in blood sugar.   The pancreas is forced to supply more and more insulin to remove the sugar from the blood.  Unfortunately, the cells get saturated with glucose and can’t... Read More