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Posts Tagged With ‘ vocabulary ’


Boulder Thanks You CHATgpt! Boulder Thanks AI? Siri/Alexa?

December 22nd, 2023
an abstract image of a sphere with dots and lines

Boulder, Colorado, has long been a world-center for computers, hosting the world’s most powerful, fastest computers right down the road from us. NCAR has had a long list, since predicting weather and monitoring climate change requires massive computing power. The most massive on earth much of the time. CHATgpt and Siri and even Alexa are not people. Yet. By the hour we see CHATgpt becoming more human in its interactions with us. Data of Star Trek is not “human,” but acts like a human in most ways. His neutrality and lack of feelings apparently define him as a “robot.”... Read More

The Law and Harry Potter: What does practicing law have in common with Harry Potter?

December 1st, 2023

The Patterson Inn in Denver is the Second-Most Haunted Hotel in Colorado. Harry would be right at home. For a spell to work for Harry Potter, he has to cast the proper spell in the proper way at the proper time. For lawyers, that spell might be a Latin word or phrase, or might be a word or phrase in English. Language and casting spells are two of the most fun and most important parts of being a lawyer. That is perhaps especially true in the criminal courts. Many aspects of practicing law involve language. English is the most common language for law in our area (with Spanish being significant and... Read More