Wednesday - May 1, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ the point cafe ’


This Little-Known Joint near CU Has Boulder’s Best Cinnamon Rolls

April 25th, 2023
cinnamon rolls, pastry shop, food

Cinnamon rolls are one of the most popular baked goods in the world, loved for their sweet, gooey texture and comforting cinnamon aroma. There are several reasons why cinnamon rolls have become such a beloved pastry, and why Boulder, Colorado has so many great bakeries specializing in them. First and foremost, cinnamon rolls are a delicious treat that satisfies the sweet tooth. They are made from a dough that is soft and fluffy, with a sweet cinnamon filling that provides a burst of flavor. The combination of cinnamon and sugar creates a perfect balance of sweetness and spice, making them irresistible... Read More

The Point Cafe’s Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Are Amazing

May 2nd, 2016

The Point Cafe, located on the corner of 13th and College, is more than just your average coffee shop. They have undeniably the best grilled cheese sandwiches on The University Hill you could find. But, to be perfectly honest, I’m not even sure where else you can find such a perfect grilled cheese. Their menu offers a selection of other delectable eats. You can choose from a ham and pesto, avocado and bacon, or plain original grilled cheese sandwich. Any of their options are good. I stop here in the mornings and grab a nice iced cold vanilla latte (I would even say their lattes are better... Read More