Wednesday - May 8, 2024

Articles Written By MariahMurray


Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 24th, 2016

“The Moab trip we went on for spring break was a great adventure. There were, around eight or so dudes who all went to Moab with no real purpose other that just to have an adventure. It ended up being illegal backpacking way out into the Arches park and we managed not to get caught by rangers, and we didn’t burn down the park. There was one moment where we found a lot of dry brush against a cliff face. There was this big rocky area and we made a big pile of brush and as soon as we lit it we realized that was a terrible idea. It turned into a fifteen foot fire, lit up the entire cliff face,... Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 23rd, 2016

“Part of me does miss ballet. I think it’s really hard when you’re and athlete of any kind because there’s a really small time span and window that you can really be great and be successful before your body just decides to shut down. So part of me, yes, misses the aspect of rehearsing and preforming and being on stage but the other part of me has kind of moved on from it and realized that there’s more to life than just the stage and preforming. I wasn’t making money, is like the real thing, so yeah, it was hard. It’s a difficult transition going from something that you do every... Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 22nd, 2016

“I’ve failed many times. I’ve failed twice so far. We learn the most from failing is what it comes down to. I’ve failed a lot, but I’m proud of my failures. It means I won’t make the same mistake again…Life deals you crap, often. I think what differentiates the successful, whether that’s happiness, wellbeing, etcetera, etcetera, is who are you when everything has gone to hell. That’s the true test of character. Who are you when you have nothing?” -Peter Calfee  Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 17th, 2016

“I’m not scared of Chip (CU’s mascot), he just makes me nervous when he wants to interact with me because I don’t know what to do. You can’t actually talk to him because he can’t talk back. I treat him like a pet, because that’s what you do with something that can’t talk back to you.” – Steffen Myers  Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 16th, 2016

“Last semester there was this guy that lived on our floor and he left his widow open when he went to go for a smoke. While he was gone a falcon flew into his room, I kid you not, a Peregrin Falcon. So he comes back and he sits down on his bed and he hears the bird screech at him. So he starts screaming and yelling and I get really nervous like, “what’s going on, do I need to go help them?” So I open up my door and he and his friends, they run into my room as fast as they can and as they do that the falcon flies right over our heads. It was just loose on our floor and they had to trap it... Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 15th, 2016

“My little boy, he’s two and a half, that’s really why I’m trying to get home. Otherwise I would stay here. I have my tent, I have everything I need, I would stay here, it’s no big deal. I’ve been fasting so I don’t even eat. His name is Augustine, he’s in Oklahoma…Since becoming a father it has helped me to connect with people and feel unconditional love for somebody, anybody, and in that way it kind of spreads to all people. It’s kind of why I’m not mad (being stranded in Boulder), because, you know, in a way we are all brothers and sisters, mother and fathers, and we’re... Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 9th, 2016

“So many happy moments! I think one would be after I accepted Christ and fully gave my life to Him, is when I started experiencing way more joy. I was just kind of down in the dumps all the time before that, not all the time, but it totally transformed my experience of life. I was just more free to be joyful and to also just be myself and to not have to put on any kind of show for anyone. So I was thinking about summer project (mission) and how that was kind of the first time when that really played itself out. I experienced community for the first time and just experienced the Lord’s love... Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 3rd, 2016

What have you learned while living in the US? “Oh, so many things. The most important thing that I enjoy is that I see the differences in culture between mine and the culture here and I am able to kind of pick the parts that I like. You grow up doing something a certain way and then you see that there are many ways to do the same thing. You realize that there is no right and wrong. You can pretty much choose how you want to be. So yes, I guess living in another country helps you really find yourself and free yourself up from pre-conceptions you got growing up somewhere… What I’ve learned... Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 2nd, 2016

“From being a story teller I’ve learned a lot about communication and about different cultures. I’m always interested in how you find elements of a story in different cultures…It teaches you lessons. It teaches you things about people and about nature and then about a way of life that isn’t around anymore, like through the living history you learn about people and about their loves and their accomplishments… I like stories. It takes you away from yourself and from the present day and to a world. I have always had a rather fanciful imagination and it just allows you to explore that... Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

April 1st, 2016

“I know how to turn away from the wrong crowd. When I had to leave my church, it was a Pentecostal church, and I left one night and they had weapons in the church and everything. They were going to try and hurt me. I left right on time. I got in the car, me and my dog, and we took off. They were a cult. I could feel the pressure of their pressure system, so I just took off…We never went back to those people again. It taught me to find the right group of people to be with.” -Lisa Powers  Read More