Sunday - May 12, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ sleep ’


10 Tips to Feel Great and Achieve Optimal Health Everyday

October 17th, 2014

Caring for both your physical and mental health go hand in hand. With proper care and maintenance of your body’s systems, from top to bottom and inside to out, I guarantee you will go through your days feeling energized, happy, and pristine. Here are my top 10 recommendations to feel great and healthy everyday of the week: 1) Sleep How can you feel well if your body is running on inadequate amounts of sleep? Sleep is so important to your body! It is a time where certain parts of your body shut down but others become highly active. The parts of your body that become active, mainly the brain,... Read More

Burn Fat, Stimulate Human Growth Hormones & Grow Younger!

June 24th, 2014

If you think breakfast is the most important meal of the day to eat, you may want to reconsider your dietary schedule.  Recent studies have shown that intermittent fasting is one of the best ways to teach your body how to burn fat for energy, instead of sugar.  Skipping breakfast, as part of an intermittent fasting schedule, has shown to have many health benefits including the improvement of insulin sensitivity (preventing diabetes), weight loss, increasing energy levels, stimulating the immune system and boosting your levels of Human Growth Hormone.  HGHs are also known as the “fitness hormone”. ... Read More