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Archive for the ‘ Mindful Monday ’ Category


Motivational Monday: Other People’s Words

November 27th, 2023

In our interconnected world, it’s pretty much a given we will have a multitude of interactions with others each and every day. We have co-workers, teammates, spouses, friends, family, and the list goes on. We communicate with a host of people directly and indirectly, through social media, etc., every day. Throughout these sometime brief or sometime lengthy conversations, a lot can be transmitted. When someone says a little or a lot, their body language can communicate even more. The sentiment of the communication in all of these interactions can be positive or facilitative, it can be negative... Read More

Motivational Monday: Control

November 6th, 2023

Every day, we are creating, developing, fostering, nurturing, and strengthening our relationships. Life is interconnected. As our journey through it continues, we meet new people, keep up with others to varying extents, and unfortunately as life sometimes dictates, things can fade to a state of dormancy. It is very hard to keep strong connections and have meaningful relationships with everyone in and throughout our life; no matter how much we would like to. Life as we live it in the 21st Century, simply doesn’t allow for it. Of all of our relationships, one of the most integral to our eventual... Read More

Motivational Monday: Understanding and Navigating our Feelings

October 23rd, 2023

Feelings are a human commonality. Each and every one of us has them. Something takes place, or we observe something, and it has the ability to elicit feelings deep within us. We have the ability to feel strongly about something just as easily as we can feel nothing at all about something else. We can feel compelled or emboldened by something or we can feel as if we’re being held back by something else. We can feel supportive of something or we can feel like working against it. Our feelings are very powerful, and they are a constant throughout our existence. Understanding their origin, impact,... Read More

Motivational Monday – Being Present

October 9th, 2023

The only way to do something, is to actually do it. Hitting a golf ball requires us to swing a golf club, just as riding a bike, requires us to ride a bike, just as giving a speech requires us to stand up and speak. On the surface, this appears quite obvious, but performing anything at the level we’re fully capable of requires us to dive a little deeper. Simply performing an action of hitting a golf ball, riding a bike, or giving a speech does not mean we’re going to get the results we desire. When we want to be at our best, we have to do more than just show up and go through the motions. Maximizing... Read More

Motivational Monday – Our Thoughts

October 2nd, 2023

The mind is the most powerful tool we can put to use within any endeavor we undertake. It holds the power to enhance and increase our capabilities or to exacerbate our limitations. Henry Ford very accurately broke it down when he said, “if you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Mr. Ford was talking about our mindset. Our mindset provides the framework and sets the tone for how we approach everything we do. The things we think, the way we interpret our environment, and our ability to find success in challenging situations are all intimately linked to our mindset. Our mindset... Read More

Motivational Monday – Weeding Our Garden

August 28th, 2023

All living things share a litany of commonalities. We’re comprised of carbon, we need nutrition in some way, shape or form, we benefit and get energy from sunlight, we need hydration, and the list goes on. When a child looks at a group of adults, they typically see no differences. For them, it’s a collection of individuals much older than they are and they tend to generalize them. They do not know or understand the difference between 20 somethings, middle aged individuals, or their great grandparents. Human nature is to cluster. We group like with like and spend little time differentiating... Read More

Boulder’s Motivational Monday: The Fire Inside

February 12th, 2023

Deep within the core of each of us lies our life force…our internal fire. At times, it burns with varying degrees of intensity, but it’s ever present. Just as each of us is unique and individually gifted, the constitution of our fire is dynamically different. The passion and intensity from one won’t always resonate with another but that doesn’t make it any less significant. If we were all driven by the same things, our world would lack the diversity, creativity, ingenuity, and grandeur that make it the beautiful melting pot it is. Tremendous ability lies within each member of our tribe... Read More

Motivational Monday: Limits

January 22nd, 2023

Life is full of limits. Perceived or real, we find them everywhere we look. Society places a significant amount of them on us and if those aren’t restrictive enough, we place even more on ourselves. Have you ever told yourself you’re too old, too slow, not smart enough, or you don’t have the time? These are self-imposed limitations and more often than not, they’re illusionary. They lack the credibility most societal limitations are based in but are far more debilitating to our actions. Nearly everything we use or do in our daily lives has a prescribed or perceived ‘limit.’ In certain... Read More

Motivational Monday: DAILY ACTION is required for desired results!

February 3rd, 2020

Hello Everyone and Happy Monday!  Are you ready for some motivation for this week?  What if I could give you something better than just “motivation”?  What if I could give you a tool that you can use every day to achieve your goals and vision for your life?  If that sounds like something you would like, then keep reading! If you wanted to get in shape to compete in an event like a marathon, a century ride or a Spartan race, you would expect to train for at least 3 months, right?  And you would probably expect that you would need to work out consistently throughout the week, right?  ... Read More