Wednesday - May 1, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ budget ’


Get Your Yoga On: 6 Budgeting Tips For An Aspen Yoga-Nature Staycation

October 2nd, 2020

  I firmly believe that nature is medicine. There is nothing more rejuvenating than unplugging from the world for a few hours, sifting through trees and allowing silence to be your personal tour guide. What is now commonly referred to as forest bathing, the act of immersing yourself in nature while simultaneously being present to your surroundings, can be a moving meditation in and of itself, much like yoga. In fact, both practices strongly correlate with one another. Practicing yoga or meditating out in dense wilderness reaps positive therapeutic benefits. Imagine hiking through the mountains... Read More

CU Revenue Losses Could Be Nearing $1 Billion

April 30th, 2020

If the four CU Boulder campuses are required to continue online learning through next school year after this school year ends in online learning, revenue losses could be substantial. The predictions include losses in tuition, research and auxiliary revenue. Auxiliary revenue includes housing and dining services. Even if the online learning only continues through the summer semester, CU will still see losses between $226.8 million to $526 million. Anything that goes beyond that will increase the losses substantially, and if classes continue remote learning through next spring, the losses will top... Read More

A Social Media Policy Change for Small Businesses: Facebook will change the way you promote in 2015

December 2nd, 2014

Facebook has changed policies for the 2015 year and it’s going to adjust how your business promotes, advertises, and produces content for your page. On my own business pages, I’ve noticed that my engagement has really taken a turn downwards from recently having some of my heaviest engagement, via efficient organic strategies, in a long while. And it’s not because my strategies have been failing, but that Facebook is allowing way, way less promotional posts to reach consumer users. Here is what Facebook had to say:  “As part of an ongoing survey, we asked hundreds of thousands of... Read More

Beginning Triathlon, What to Spend Your Money on Part 2: Bike

November 17th, 2014

In the second part of the 3 part series, I want to talk about the sport of cycling and how to get into it without having to sell your soul. Bikes can be very expensive. In an effort to keep things as light and stiff as possible, expensive materials as well as lots of research and lab testing must be performed. When first getting into the sport, it is important to make sure that you like riding bikes before you invest too much. I suggest borrowing a friend’s bike, or demoing one from a local shop. Once you have decided that this sport is for you, it is time to look for a bike of your own. Here... Read More