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Posts Tagged With ‘ Chautauqua Park ’


Boulder’s Hottest Spot Captures Hearts & Tops TripAdvisor’s Attraction Rankings

May 17th, 2023

Chautauqua Park, located in Boulder, Colorado, is widely regarded as the number one attraction in the area. Its breathtaking beauty, rich history, and diverse recreational opportunities make it a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike. Rated as the top pick on TripAdvisor, Chautauqua Park offers an immersive experience that combines nature, culture, and history. Established in 1898 as part of the Chautauqua Movement, the park was originally intended to serve as an educational retreat. Today, it stands as a testament to the past while embracing the present. Its rustic charm and stunning... Read More

Boulder’s 6 Best Spring Hikes

March 18th, 2023

Boulder, Colorado is a hiker’s paradise, offering a wide variety of hiking trails with breathtaking views of the Rocky Mountains. Spring is an ideal time to explore the beauty of Boulder’s trails, as the weather is mild and the wildflowers are in full bloom. Royal Arch Trail Here are some of the top hiking trails to do in the spring in Boulder, Colorado: Chautauqua Park: Chautauqua Park is a popular hiking spot in Boulder, known for its stunning views of the Flatirons. It has several trails, including the Chautauqua Trail, which is a 1.2-mile hike that leads to the Bluebell-Baird... Read More

Outdoor Adventure of the Week: Chautauqua Park

January 27th, 2023

 When you think of getting out for a hike on the weekend, it is easy to let your mind wander towards the mountains for a day of activity in the sun, but this local park is the perfect spot to enjoy the sun and get a good workout, and the best part is you get to avoid the drive (and the mountain traffic!). Dating back to 1898, Chautauqua Park holds the National Historic Landmark designation and has become one of the most popular destinations for Boulderites seeking an adrenaline rush in the midst of their busy days. It is home to an extensive system of trails for all levels and abilities and one... Read More

Boulder’s Highest Rated Hiking Trail

May 31st, 2022

In search of Boulder’s top hiking routes? You can find 199 beautiful trails in the Boulder area to go hiking, biking, trail running. The Royal Arch trail is the highest rated hiking trail in Boulder, Colorado, according to AllTrails. Royal Arch is a popular Boulder trail that leads to a natural stone arch with views of Boulder and the Flatirons. Loose rocks, tight switchbacks, and large steps will put a strain on your legs. This trail can be confusing and feel longer than it is, so bring a map and plenty of water. The trail is not directly accessible from a trailhead, but it can be reached... Read More

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day

March 15th, 2016

Mason and Allie are brand new to the Boulder area and started off their first official day by hiking the first Flatiron Trail. Allie moved to the area from Philadelphia to prepare for starting her degree at CU Boulder. In the mean time, Mason is planning on working in Denver for a construction company. This couple loves the outdoors, and obviously moved to the right area for their lifestyle. When these two aren’t working or studying, they plan on hiking and rock climbing. Allie said she especially looks forward to the upcoming Boulder Farmer’s Market and loves how Boulder is behind... Read More

Life and Taxes

July 5th, 2015

Once upon a time European transplants came to the New World. The results were complicated to say the least. Native populations and cultures didn’t fare well; slave trade was established early. New lives were built on shifting ground. Fast-forward to the British expanding what the French and Dutch began. King George III reaped the benefits of his American colonists, and in kingly fashion found ways to further enrich his coffers. Chief among those tactics was the leveraging of taxes. That led to a certain tantrum: the Boston Tea Party. In time, this dust-up morphed into what we refer to as the... Read More