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Posts Tagged With ‘ Lenny Frieling ’


Lenny Lensworth Frieling: A Local Lens Legend Honored as Photographer of the Month

November 16th, 2023

 Lenny Lensworth Frieling, Named Photographer of the Month by AboutBoulder.com BOULDER, COLORADO – 11/16/23 AboutBoulder.com proudly announces the recognition of Lenny Lensworth Frieling, as the Photographer of the Month. The award is a testament to his exceptional talent and the widespread appeal of his captivating photographs. Frieling’s winning images have transcended geographical boundaries, from the bustling lines at the Denver Zoo to the serene mountain peaks of Brainard Lake. His lens has skillfully captured moments that resonate with a diverse audience, showcasing the beauty of... Read More

Boulder’s Remarkable Unknown: From Obscurity to Fame!

October 21st, 2023
Professional portrait of Leonard Frieling in a tropical tuxedo and a Panama Hat. They're all made in the Ecuador.

Lenny Frieling’s journey to fame is a story of unparalleled achievement and multifaceted talents that have left an indelible mark on Boulder and beyond. A lawyer by profession, Lenny Frieling’s legal prowess is nothing short of amazing. He possesses an innate ability to not only understand the intricacies of the law but to communicate it in a way that is both wonderful and humorous. His courtroom antics and brilliant legal mind have made him a standout lawyer in Boulder. Lions, Denver Zoo, staring at Debi Dodge – photo credit Lenny Frieling But that’s not all that defines... Read More

Boulder’s Lion-Hearted Lawyer Turned World-Renowned Photographer

September 14th, 2023
Professional portrait of Leonard Frieling in a tropical tuxedo and a Panama Hat. They're all made in the Ecuador.

Lenny’s journey to international acclaim started in Boulder, Colorado, where he has practiced law for decades. His multifaceted talents extend far beyond the courtroom, and his photography is a testament to his creative prowess. Through his lens, he captures moments that not only make people smile but transport them to another world. One of Lenny’s most remarkable qualities is his ability to trade the formalities of law for the warmth of storytelling. His posts are an exquisite blend of visual and emotional narratives that resonate with people from all walks of life. His visit to the... Read More