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Posts Tagged With ‘ lenny lensworth frieling ’


Choosing Wisely: Selecting the Perfect Lawyer for Your Legal Needs

November 22nd, 2023
woman in gold dress holding sword figurine

 Drugs, Drunk Driving, Divorce have something in common. They all start with “D.” They also, and to us more important, are examples of the things that happen to all too many of us. Good People do bad things, and good people are accused of bad things which they did NOT do! There are many people, both more and less culpable more or less at fault at law, who are going to take a trip on the criminal case railroad. Each can choose to navigate the journey alone, or can do it with a conductor, a lawyer.  But which lawyer is the best choice?  If funds are truly unlimited, than consider... Read More

Wings Over Boulder: A Stunning Glimpse into Backyard Bird Beauty

November 18th, 2023

The Northern Flicker, a striking woodpecker species, graces the landscapes of North America with its distinctive appearance and behavior. In Colorado, this avian marvel finds a notable presence, adding vibrancy to the state’s diverse birdlife. Identifiable by its spotted plumage, the Northern Flicker boasts a unique blend of colors. The bird’s tan or brown body, adorned with black bars and a conspicuous crescent-shaped mark on its chest, distinguishes it from other woodpeckers. However, what truly sets the Northern Flicker apart is its striking yellow or red shafts on the underside... Read More

Lensworth on Improving Our Pictures With Love and Patience

November 18th, 2023

When it comes to enhancing the quality of our images through love and patience, this option deserves a look: taking the time to understand and master the art of composition. While technical proficiency is undeniably important in photography, Lensworth emphasizes the transformative power of composition in elevating our pictures to new heights. Whether it’s through the rule of thirds, leading lines, or creating balance within the frame, each compositional technique offers a unique opportunity to infuse our images with depth and meaning. By exploring this option with intention and care,... Read More

When Do I Need to get a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

November 17th, 2023
When Do I Need to get a Criminal Defense Lawyer? - AboutBoulder.com

The answer is easy! NOW! While you can wait too long to retain or consult with a defense lawyer, you can almost never have your defense lawyer too soon. Do not wait for an arrest. Sit down with your lawyer as soon as you think you’re involved in a criminal issue. It’s the lawyer’s job to figure out if you are a “target” or just a witness. Are you a suspect or merely part of an investigation? Ideally, the only direct conversation you should have with a LEO Law Enforcement Officer, investigator, deputy district attorney or other prosecutor is to say “I’m happy to chat. Here’s my... Read More

Boulder’s Best View: The Continental Divide in Full Splendor

November 1st, 2023

Photo credit: Lenny Lensworth Frieling The Continental Divide, a geological feature of immense significance, stretches across the North American continent, serving as a natural boundary that separates the flow of water into two major drainage basins: the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other. This majestic natural wonder is a sight to behold and is steeped in history, with deep cultural and ecological implications for the continent. One of the prime vantage points to appreciate the Continental Divide in all its glory is the city of Boulder, Colorado. The history of the... Read More