frozen dead guy

Bredo still gets the ladies. He’s just that cool.

We’re here to help you navigate the festival like a pro and get the most bang for any buck you spend. Many of the best events are free anyway!

So why should this festival be on your bucket list? We asked a few people at former FDGD events to find out:

“I’m from Kansas and my buddies in Colorado said I had to cone this year. They told me about the grandpa in the Tuff shed. I thought it was hilarious and now we’re heading to the Tuff shed” — Noah

A pair of boobs prepping for the Polar Plunge

A pair of boobs prepping for the Polar Plunge

“PJ and I come every year. My favorite part is the music, but the Look Alike contest is awesome too. Who doesn’t love a man with blue skin?” — Carolynn

“FROZEN DEAD GUY RULES!” — ten people with Viking helmets

These glowing testimonials should have convinced you that FDGD ought to be on your calendar for next year. So let’s talk about how you can best enjoy the show and be prepared for the festivities.

What to See:

Wander around to all the free events. There’s no charge for the Coffin Races, Polar Plunge, Ice Turkey Bowling, Human Foosball, etc. Things you can expect to pay for are alcohol, music tent admission, and food. For full schedule details, always check the FDGD official site. Whatever you do, bring a camera!



  • Jackets: bring one! Nederland is usually 15+ degrees (farenheit) colder than Boulder at any given time.
  • Normal clothes: sure, be comfortable. No judgement here.

    Boots are best for FDGD

    Boots are best for FDGD

  • Costumes: sure, be wild. No judgement here.
  • Boots: yes! Or hiking shoes. Whatever works best for you to deal with dirt, mud, and snow is what you should put on your feet.


  • Bus: this is the easiest way to get to the show, in our opinion. There are shuttles running from Boulder and Denver, but you do have to register for the free ride beforehand to guarantee your seat.
  • Car: driving is more convenient at first, but the volume of attendees at FDGD means parking is a pain. There is handicapped parking available, but everyone else should either arrive early or expect to walk a few minutes from your car to the front gates. Do not drink and drive. The altitude, and amount of police around guarantee you will be caught.

    Traffic and parked cars on Canyon Blvd in Nederland

    Traffic and parked cars on Canyon Blvd in Nederland


  • Cash: definitely bring cash. You can’t pay for exclusive parking spots or tip your bartenders without it. The ATM line is even worse than the line for tacos. Have your cash before heading to the festival.


  • Food: the circular lot of FDGD will be lined with local food trucks.
    The Taco Line with a taco seeker curious about the camera.

    The Taco Line with a taco seeker curious about the camera.

    But beware, you will stand in line. We never saw less than 20 people in line for a taco. Maybe bring some snacks.

  • Beverages: you can only bring water into the event. By Saturday the crowds are super dense, and so they use an honor system. Don’t make the fine folks working the event regret trusting you. If you want booze, there is plenty available. And you are at altitude, which means you will feel it more strongly. Drink responsibly. Don’t forget to hydrate.


If you live in Colorado you know that smoking marijuana in public is illegal. But we will say that many people at FDGD are “cool” about marijuana smoking happening around them. We don’t condone it.


A dog with a skull and crossbones sweater, because she's hardcore.

A dog with a skull and crossbones sweater, because she’s hardcore.

Not a good idea. If your dog is not a service animal they will tell you not to bring it into the event. (There are too many people crossing through the entrance to prevent a few from slipping through). We saw a few altercations between dogs at FDGD, and nobody likes that. Your dog is wonderful, but leave it at home.


We suggest leaving babies at home. Have you ever pushed a stroller through mud? If you aren’t going to carry your kid around with you it’s probably best to get a babysitter. Kids can handle the event, but you need to keep an eye on them. Pancake Breakfast is easy to handle compared to the massive crowds for the Coffin Races. Ultimately, we leave the final judgement to the parents.

Human Foosball

Human Foosball

We hope this article prepares you for Frozen Dead Guy Days, and we look forward to seeing you there. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Snapchat and Instagram. Stay frosty folks.

Chainsaw carving competition

Chainsaw carving competition