Thursday - May 2, 2024

Articles Written By ChrisFisher


OK Colorado, Time to Relax on the Packaging Laws

June 13th, 2017

Until recently Colorado’s little experiment has been overseen by a group charged with coordinating efforts to implement regulation for Colorado’s recreational and medical marijuana industries. This was a group of lawmakers and medical professionals made up to aid in the roll out of legalization. The group was recently disbanded by the governor, so it can be assumed that he feels the experiment has worked thus far. Hopefully, this also means that the cannabis industry will get a little break. Every six months or so, since 2014, this industry faces changes that cause our entire business model... Read More

Summer Buds

June 6th, 2017

With the abundance of new cannabis strains flooding the market every harvest, how is one supposed to choose? Weed is expensive and when you are looking at more variety than Rob Lowe had in the 80’s it is easy to feel overwhelmed that you may choose the wrong one, but seriously though, you will never pick the wrong one. It is always nice to go into a dispensary with a little familiarity though and that is what I am here to help with. Consider me your own personal research and development guy…for weed. This week I picked up some Watermelon Man and Maui Wowie. Here is my confession, lol. I smoked... Read More

Spoiler Alert, Marijuana Makes Money!

May 30th, 2017

On any average day, I would say I see more out-of-state visitors than Colorado ones. So, for the sake of this blog, I began asking customers their thoughts on how long they think it will be until they see any kind of a legalization within their own states. The response I got from most people was, “my state will be the last to legalize weed”. These are grown men and women telling me they have no hope for their state, meanwhile, everyone in line behind them is also from their home state. Why choose to be so dire about the possibilities of legalization back home, regardless of your state’s... Read More

Chews Wisely

May 2nd, 2017

Forgive me weedfather, for I got really baked this week. It has been seven days since my last cannabis confession and since then I have smoked an ounce of weed, dabbed more than a few times, and have been sampling edibles like a tourist for the first time. I have been looking to rid myself of the my post-420 hangover. I realize it has been almost two weeks since April 20th but the annual holiday put a hurting on me and I have been out of it ever since. It is like I am stuck in a hazy fog and I cannot shake it off. I feel like so much time and energy was spent building up to that specific day that... Read More

Happy Holidaze

April 18th, 2017

Well, it is that time of year again. It has been on everyone’s minds for the last few weeks. Nobody is sure what to expect but they all know it will be good. Ski season has ended, summer is on the horizon, and our annual April event is about to kick off. Vin Diesel and his buddies are back at it with another installment in the Fast and the Furious film franchise. Hahaha just kidding. Happy 420 everyone! I must say though, the correlation between the rise in April 20th celebrations and the comeback of Vin Diesel is an interesting connection that should not go unnoticed. If you work in the weed... Read More

Consider The Hybrid

April 11th, 2017

It is quite overwhelming to visit a cannabis dispensary for the first time. Most cannabis enthusiasts have not seen fifteen different options for weed in one place before. There is a little sensory overload happening and more often than not they are stumped as to what to try, or even look at, first. I typically start with describing the main differences in the cannabis plant itself. Sativa, indica and hybrid are what we have. The classifications of indica and sativa have been around since the 18th century. The farther away a cannabis plant naturally grows from the equator the more indica it will... Read More

All Cannabinoids Are Not Considered Equal

April 4th, 2017

One question I get from customers on a daily basis is, “what has the highest THC?” That question bothers me because nobody buys other things based on the highest potency offered. People do not go to the liquor store every time and ask for Everclear. By only looking at the options for the highest in THC customers limit themselves to very few products, and just because something has the highest THC does not necessarily make it the best option. Cannabis has different levels of potency throughout its life. When a plant is harvested, it can have one level of potency. Then, it can have another potency... Read More

Hashing It Out

March 28th, 2017

Cannabis extracts, or hashish, is way more potent than smoking regular flower. I am not sure about your tastes, but occasionally I need something with a little more kick to it. Rough days happen, whether it is out on the trail or in the office and hash can be just what the doctor ordered. The hard part is deciding what kind to choose. Everyone has their preference these days, from the old- school pressed hash to the new oil concentrates, here are some of my favorites. The crystals that cover a cannabis leaf are called trichomes and hash production begins with separating these trichomes from the... Read More

Nobody Likes A Weed Snob

March 14th, 2017

Last week Curtis, the ultimate weed snob, was in town from Boulder. He had just finished skiing and was jamming out at a concert when a joint was passed his way. First, he smelled it, using two fingers to waft a little of the smell into his nose. He asked if it was a pure indica, a pure sativa, or god forbid a hybrid doobie. He asked the person who handed it to him if it was weed grown in soil or hydro? “What kind of ‘noots’ were used in the growing of this plant?” Was it the LGS or was it the buds with the little red hairs, he considered? He inquired about the name and if there was any... Read More

So, You Want To Be A Budtender

February 28th, 2017

I have not always been too fond of the title budtender, but I always refer to myself as one. I think the person who specializes in all things cannabis, specifically pairing the right strain with the right person ought to have a stronger title. Cannacierge maybe? Budtender feels like an obvious choice, like it was the first suggestion and nobody thought of anything after, but people know exactly what you mean when you say budtender so we will go with it. Weedologist? Ganja Valet? I consider this position to be more of a cannabis pharmacist and less of a bartender. Cannabist? Wait, I think that is... Read More