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Posts Tagged With ‘ Brewery ’


Big Beards, and Even Bigger Beers : Groẞen Bart Brewery

April 5th, 2015
Grossen Bart Brewery Boulder

I remember the day in high school, all those years ago, when my German teacher, Frau Sussak, expressed to me the virtues of learning German. Like any student who somehow gets caught up in Deutsch, rather than a perhaps more functional language like Spanish, I started to question whether learning German was actually worth my time, being in, you know, America. Around my junior year, I decided to express these concerns to my teacher, a kindly woman who had been in the industry of teaching kids western Europe’s most distinctive (and perhaps, most made fun of) language for some thirty years.... Read More

Much Ado About A Patio: Sanitas Brewing Co.

March 29th, 2015
Sanitas Brewing Co Boulder

I am a sucker for springtime in Colorado. Aside from the random and inevitable snow that will blanket the Flatirons every once in awhile, springtime in Boulder is simply majestic. People will emerge from their Netflix and delivery pizza hibernation, flip on a pair of Ray-Bans, don a stylized tank top, and will then explore the great eateries (and drinkeries!) that this city has to offer. The Pearl Street Mall, in all its glory, becomes once again a destination for Coloradans from all over, eager to take in the joviality of buskers, ice cream, and sunshine. Now, head a few minutes east of the Mall... Read More

Hot Chicken, Cold Beer: The Post Brewing Company

March 22nd, 2015
The Post Brewing Company Lafayette

Living in Colorado, one has to acclimate oneself to the ever-present kitsch of the “old west” aesthetic. Whether you’re being referred to as “pardner” every fifteen seconds, or donning a mining helmet while frontier folk sing Little House on the Prairie to you, sometimes you just have to throw your hands up, tighten your britches, and say “yee-haw.” Frankly, exposing friends from out of town to this frontier pride, specifically friends from the east coast (where anything west of Pennsylvania is still controlled by roving posses of bank-robbing bandits,... Read More

J Wells Brewery: Putting the ‘Micro’ in ‘Microbrewery’

March 8th, 2015
J Wells Brewery Boulder

Think about the biggest brewery you have ever been to. For many Coloradans, that answer is pretty easy: just take Highway 93 from Boulder to Golden. Yeah, you know who I’m talking about. The Coors Brewery in Golden, Colorado has a brewing capacity of some 13 million barrels annually, which comes out to something like 410 million gallons of beer. Holy alcohol, Batman! Okay, maybe that’s a little too big to conceive. Consider, then, the largest microbrewery you’ve been to. New Belgium? Sam Adams? Avery? While still at only a fraction of the global production that MillerCoors pumps... Read More

BRU: A Respite From Colorado’s Vexing Winter Weather

March 1st, 2015
Bru Boulder

As embarrassing as it is, I’ll just have to come out and say it. Despite being a Colorado native, and despite living in The Bubble for the better part of the last decade, for whatever reason, this winter just seems more tedious and annoying than any I can remember. Beautiful sunny days are interrupted by harrowing snowstorms, only to be followed by more sun. Yes, I realize this is par for the course in Colorado, but after the fifth alternation between Colorado’s hot and cold seasons in just this week alone, I’m ready for permanently warmer weather, Punxsutawney Phil be damned.... Read More