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Posts Tagged With ‘ solar ’


New Renewable Energy Goals Grow Across Country

October 8th, 2015

This past year, states all across the nation have been significantly increasing the percentage of renewable energy that they are aiming to achieve. On this past Wednesday, the 7th of October, new renewable energy goals for California were signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown. The San Francisco Gate reported on the event. This bill requires that “by the end of 2030, half of California’s electricity will come from the wind, the sun and other renewable sources under a new law that sets one of the country’s most ambitious clean-energy targets”. Some other states that have done so already this... Read More

Ski Resorts Drastically Boosting Sustainability

December 14th, 2014

Most of the ski resorts in the Rocky Mountains have environmental protection policies because the mountains they are built upon are considered National Parks. These ski resorts are required to include a certain level of eco-friendliness, commitment to environmental stewardship, and commitment to environmental restoration. Resorts are often a part of the community they are in, especially in a ski town.  Resorts offer many jobs and include shops, restaurants and residences.  Because the resorts are at the heart of the local economies in these ski towns, when a ski resort uses less energy from... Read More

A Chance For An Energy Independent Future: Solar Roads

November 30th, 2014

On Wednesday November 12th in the Netherlands, Earth’s first road that generates electricity from sunlight was opened in the town of Krommenie according to CNN’s website. Officials from SolaRoad, the company that developed this solar roadway said that while this is currently only a test route the electricity generated can be used to power parts of the transportation system such as traffic lights and stops, but also homes. The Solar Roads can also be programmed for a vast amount of extra utility, and according to SolarRoadways.com there are vast benefits for using solar roadways in contrast... Read More

Solar Roadways Now Hiring!

May 27th, 2014

This was a weekend for celebrations: Memorial Day across America; the Bolder Boulder and Boulder Creekfest in Boulder; and — especially for co-founders Julie and Scott Brusaw in Idaho — a successful Indiegogo campaign for Solar Roadways. As of this writing, the campaign, which sought $1m in crowdfunding, has received $1.4m, with five more days to go before deadline. That’s big news with big implications. On paper, Solar Roadways could solve, well, most of our most seemingly unsolvable issues. According to the company’s estimates, replacing the current asphalt- and concrete-based... Read More