Tuesday - May 7, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ medical marijuana ’


Looking Back: “Medical Cannabis: Health Effects of THC and CBD” at CU Boulder

October 24th, 2023

CU Boulder’s CHANGE Lab has been working over the past several years to finally observe the potential benefits and risks to marijuana consumption, something that has previously been studied very little. Kent Hutchison, a psychology professor and cannabis researcher in CU Boulder’s CHANGE Lab, became frustrated with how little was known about the effects of marijuana when his elderly mother attempted to use marijuana to ease her chronic pain and consistently was given conflicting advice depending on what dispensary she went to. The same thing also occurred when Hutchison’s wife tried to... Read More

The Top-Ranked Medical Cannabis Dispensary in Boulder

April 14th, 2023

Medical marijuana has been gaining popularity as an alternative treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. In Boulder, Colorado, the availability of medical marijuana has made it possible for many patients to manage their symptoms effectively. The unique combination of compounds found in cannabis, including THC and CBD, have shown promise in addressing a variety of symptoms. One of the primary reasons why medical marijuana helps so many people is because it has potent pain-relieving properties. Chronic pain is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. For many of these... Read More

Cannabinoids for Fitness

June 27th, 2020

Earlier this week, I had the honor of presenting “Cannabinoids for Fitness” at the Cannabis Science Conference East in Baltimore, MD. The Cannabis Science Conference is the world’s largest and most technical cannabis science expo. It pulls together cannabis industry experts, instrument manufacturers, testing labs, research scientists, medical practitioners, policy makers, and interested novices with the goal of improving cannabis science. It was an incredible educational conference and I’m proud to share some of our presentation data with you today! Research is showing that cannabinoids... Read More

10 Hockey Players Who Support Cannabis

May 31st, 2020
Riley Cote

Hockey is known to be an intense sport. As a league, they’re known for fights and hard hits on the ice. These hard hits have caused several former and current professional hockey players to turn to cannabis for its medicinal benefits as a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotectant. Today we’ve rounded up 10 hockey players who support cannabis, starting with the 2018 Cannabis Business Awards Activist of the Year, Riley Cote. 1. Riley Cote Cote is a very outspoken advocate for cannabis. He played in the National Hockey League for four seasons as an enforcer for the Philadelphia Flyers.... Read More

If There’s Smoke, You’re Fired!

May 4th, 2017

Before I get too far with this blog entry, I want to clarify at the outset that I’m only discussing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Multiple states have additional laws in place to provide more encompassing employee protections. I am also not talking about people showing up to work stoned. With those caveats, let’s learn a little weed law. The ADA prohibits employers from discriminating against employees due to a disability. A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.  Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations... Read More


April 28th, 2017

The countdown is on. Funding for the federal government runs out at midnight tonight. Will our broken Congress be able to agree on a new spending bill in time? Or, is Attorney General Jeff Sessions about to be green-lighted to get out his shotgun “Granny-style” on the doorsteps of medical marijuana shops? I see the confusion brewing. Let me explain why this spending bill has anything to do with legalized medical marijuana. In a nutshell, when the government’s funding ends, all non-essential government operations and agencies are suspended until a new budget is approved. By “non-essential”... Read More