In the quaint town of Boulder, where history buffs and feline aficionados often cross paths, a curious caper unfolded at a local tea party that has since become the talk of the town. The culprit? None other than Prince Eugene, an 11-pound American shorthair cat with a penchant for pastries and a name steeped in […]
Take one step out of your front door these days and the crunch of crimson leaves beneath your feet will send a clear message: fall is in full swing. That, and you might need to invest in a leaf blower. With fall comes high winds, vibrant foliage, trendy scarves, and most important of all, Halloween. […]
Photo credit: Lily Lemire Halloween is quickly approaching and that means there isn’t a whole lot of time left to pull an original costume together. I’m someone who likes to start thinking of costumes in the summer (sounds a little overzealous) but I like to be something that not a lot of other people are […]
All Hallows Eve draws near, and the city is alive with all manner of celebration. As darkness drapes over the sky earlier and earlier, the nightlights guide the way toward fun and frivolity during the Halloween weekend. Though house parties will be prevalent, if you desire some other entertainment there are a lot of options […]