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Posts Tagged With ‘ vegan ’


Missy J: The Fairy Godmother of Natural Candy

July 7th, 2015

Hard-working, innovative, and creative entrepreneurs are not your average joes. But in Boulder, they seem to be around every corner. The start-ups I’ve encountered each week have been full of excited, hard-working and inspirational people that will all say the same thing about their business: “We are still a small company, and we have our values”. And despite sales and outreach being far from small, each remains humble and driven to stick to the Boulder-esque natural food company ideals. Oddly enough, “just around the corner” is quite literally where I ran into Jodi Feinhor-Dennis,... Read More

Mind Your Milk

November 4th, 2014

Putting milk in your coffee or drinking a milk-based espresso drink is a great way to fight coffee’s natural acidity. Many coffee drinkers like cow’s milk in their drinks, while others enjoy dairy-less alternatives like soy or almond milk. Here in Colorado we’re fortunate to have access to local milk and non-dairy options to go with our coffee. But as a vegan who doesn’t like processed foods, I take my coffee black. Drinking black coffee and regular espresso definitely makes me feel cool but I recognize that it’s an acquired taste and sympathize with milk’s popularity. As a former barista,... Read More

How to Improve this Offseason without Swimming, Biking, or Running

November 3rd, 2014

Many athletes are considered superhuman. How can a baseball player hit a ball 450 feet? How can a basketball player jump over 4 feet high? How can a triathlete run a marathon after biking and swimming so far? Indeed this talent is fairly superhuman, but even for the most impressive athletes, the body needs a break. The offseason is a time to let the body and mind recharge, and time to enjoy a more “normal” life. The problem with triathletes is that most of us are so obsessed with working out that we often don’t give ourselves enough off time because we start to feel lazy after just 2 days... Read More

A Trip to the Boulder County Farmers’ Market

September 1st, 2013

On Wednesday, August 28, I decided to get out of the house and stroll over to the Boulder Farmers’ Market for a real “only in Boulder” experience, and I’m happy to say that I got what I came for. I arrived at the market at around 5:30 p.m and found the place crawling with people. All walks of life were present here, ranging from old dreadlocked hippies to young dreadlocked hippies. There were also plenty of families with young children, students, and a handful of colorful characters, including a man in a superhero costume and a man in a tie-dye jumpsuit making balloon animals.... Read More