Thursday - May 9, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ training ’


Survey Suggests Athletes Use Cannabis for Pain

May 13th, 2020

The Athlete PEACE Survey studying cannabis and athletes has been completed, and the results have just been published! The survey, titled The Cannabis use in active athletes: Behaviors related to subjective effects, was conducted and published by Joanna Zeiger, PhD, who is also a World Champion and Olympic Triathlete. Last summer I had the opportunity to speak in Denver on the Women, Fitness and Cannabis panel for Ellementa, a global Women’s Network focused on health, wellness, and cannabis with Zeiger. She discussed how she used cannabis to help her manage chronic pain symptoms and help her get... Read More

Tips For Training as a Couple

May 9th, 2020

I train with my wife on a regular basis. We run trails together, hit the gym together, and we take recovery days together. Training as a couple can help you both achieve your goals, and strengthen your relationship. She has pushed me to become faster, and run longer distances. Her encouragement and support have been critical to my improvement. Training as a couple has improved our relationship by opening more communication, and allowing us to learn even more about each other. Learning how to train and compete together has been a process. Here are a few tips I’ve learned to help you train as a... Read More

Hemp for Fitness

May 5th, 2020

Hemp fibers are strong and can be grown without herbicides or pesticides, making it an environmentally friendly material. It also takes 3 times less water than cotton and cleans and replenishes soil. This makes natural hemp-made products better for people, animals, and the environment. More and more people are becoming conscious of how they impact the world and are voting for the world they want with their dollars. With so many consumers choosing products with more ecofriendly practices, companies are replacing plastics and other materials with hemp. There are so many ways you can incorporate hemp... Read More

Army Veteran Learns to Walk and Talk Again While Using CBD

August 10th, 2019

I recently had the honor of speaking with Blake Cook about his experience with the military and how he is crushing his goals while using CBD. Blake is 30 years old and was born and raised in West Virginia. He joined the military in 2010 to join the Army to be in the infantry and was sent to Fort Bragg NC. “I wanted to serve my country because of watching 9/11. I enjoyed the Army and the strong bond between a group of guys that became family.” Blake said. “In 2012 I was blown up by an IED and spent the next 25 months learning to walk and talk again. For years I lived in pain because I refused... Read More

Making Strides in Federal Cannabis Lawsuit

June 1st, 2019

Earlier this week, the Federal Appeals Court reinstated the complaint and declined to dismiss the Federal Cannabis Lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by several cannabis patients and advocates challenging the federal scheduling of cannabis. According to a comment by their legal representation Michael Hiller, “This case represents the first time in history that a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the CSA has survived dismissal.” This is amazing news for those advocating for the de-scheduling of cannabis. This means the court put the federal government on notice to make a decision for... Read More

Army Vet Uses CBD and Stands Against Poachers

May 18th, 2019

I recently had the honor of speaking with Kinessa Johnson. Kinessa is a United States Army Veteran and uses CBD for athletics and recovery. She’s also using her military skills to save wildlife from poachers in Africa. She grew up in Anacoco, Louisiana and joined the Army. “I loved serving, I loved the people that I met and the friendships that I made. I also loved that I got to deploy, and it humbled me and made me appreciate my family and the country I was born in.” After serving in the military, Kinessa had the opportunity to use her skill set and become an animal protector. “I had the... Read More

Putting on Pounds with Pot

August 18th, 2018

Although there is much evidence suggesting you can lose weight with cannabis, it can also be used to gain weight. One of the most common fitness goals heard by personal trainers, besides losing weight, is gaining lean muscle mass. In order to build muscle, you need fuel, and some people find it more difficult than others to eat the needed amount of calories to gain and maintain muscle. Cannabis can help you gain weight by interacting with several areas of your body. THC affects both the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. The CB1 receptor is responsible for the systematic function of several parts... Read More

Beginning Triathlon, What to Spend Your Money On Part 1: Swim

November 10th, 2014

Triathlon is a very expensive sport. Between the equipment, race fees, coaching, and gym/pool memberships the cost of everything can really start to add up. As a former employee of Tribe Multisport in Scottsdale, AZ I often got asked my opinion for what to buy for a beginner. Also, as my friends began the sport, they would ask me for the same advice. In this 3-part blog spread out over 3 weeks I will give my opinion on how to best spend your money if you are looking to get into the sport. For this week I will focus on the first part of most triathlons. Swimming is fairly basic as far as sports... Read More

“Oh you do triathlon, have you done the one in Hawaii?”

October 7th, 2014

I am well aware that most people don’t really know what triathlon is. I would say 80% of people only know that it has something to do with biking, swimming, and running. Out of these people maybe half know that there is a race in Hawaii and that it is really hard. Because of this it should be no surprise for a triathlete when talking to someone and they say something like “Oh you do triathlon, have you done the one in Hawaii?”. Personally I enjoy explaining that not all triathlons are Ironman distance, and that there are lots of races that aren’t in Kona, Hawaii. For all of you reading... Read More